Finding Yourself and Your Future Post-Divorce

The life-changing process of a divorce or separation affects much more than your living arrangement or financial standing. It greatly impacts one's emotions and even one's sense of identity. When one of a couple, part of your identity is built by your role in your relationship. Your friendships, interests, responsibilities, and all of the other things that you share with your spouse or partner help to build your reality. Losing this part of your identity is devastating, but you can bounce back and rediscover what truly make you happy.

US Divorce Coach Karen Basgamy writes about the experiences she has with her clients regarding their personal growth. Through her work, she witnesses clients become more authentic with themselves. Even though they have been through periods of pain, loss, and change, they move forward with life and create a new reality for themselves. She says, “Full potential living is not only about achieving personal external goals. It is, at its core, about understanding who you are, what is most important to you.” In order to live to your fullest potential, it is necessary to do some soul searching and self-reflection. Read her full article here.

Moving forward with your life after divorce is a second chance at creating the life that you desire. Using a tool such as the OurFamilyWizard® website can help you to manage your new family dynamic and maintain focus on your family's future, not its past. It does so by providing tools that aim parent attention to the important child-related details instead of digging up old conflict. OurFamilyWizard® also maintains thorough documentation of every entry made by either parent. Concrete, transparent documentation helps gives parents a better chance of resolving conflicts on their own. When parents aren't dealing with the stress of miscommunication or frequent disputes, their children are shielded from excess stress as well.

With less time focused on mitigating parental disputes and issues from your past, you have more time to work on rediscovering yourself and improving your future. Give yourself a chance to really get to know the face you see in the mirror. Click here to create an OurFamilyWizard® account and give your family more time to focus on the future.