Family Law and Mental Health Practitioners
Professionals around the world are using OurFamilyWizard tools to reimagine their approach to case management.
Practitioner Accounts Are Free
Working in tandem with clients on OurFamilyWizard, family law and mental health practitioners can help families move beyond conflict and co-parent with confidence. Create your free account and help clients get back on track.

Practitioner Tools
Connect to clients and manage cases from a single, central platform. Web and mobile apps make it easy to review activity within parent accounts at your convenience, with access to past communication, scheduling, and more.
Levels of Professional Access
Professional accounts on OurFamilyWizard grant the right amount of access to parent activity and family communication based on client needs.
End the He Said / She Said confusion with the ability to review accurate and concrete records on OurFamilyWizard.

OurFamilyWizard Education
Webinars | Learn about OurFamilyWizard tools and get answers to your questions during a free, one-on-one webinar.
OurFamilyWizard Brochures
Brochures provide parents with an overview of our many tools, how they work to reduce conflict, and instructions on how to get started. Bulk quantities are available for courthouses and larger offices.

Model Agreement Language
Courts across the world are ordering the use of OurFamilyWizard in contested cases. Download our sample language when stipulating to the use of OurFamilyWizard.
Bulk Account Packages
Provide an OurFamilyWizard subscription to your clients to get them started. We offer discounted volume packages of subscriptions to practitioners at a discounted rate.

Court-approved since 2001.
Join the family law and mental health practitioners around the world using OurFamilyWizard to help families move forward. Create your free account and begin today.