Organise your shared parenting and spend more time with your kids.

Parenting schedules, expense tracking, messaging, and more.
We know that life after divorce can be difficult, but it doesn't have to be. The OurFamilyWizard® website is dedicated to providing you with the tools that you need to organise your shared parenting and reduce conflict between you and your co-parent, leaving you with more time to spend with your children.

How can these tools get you on track towards a better life for you and your children?
- Easily coordinate your schedules and avoid the scope for confusion by keeping accurate records with the OurFamilyWizard® calendar.
- Have more confidence to request a “swap” of time with the other parent through the OurFamilyWizard® calendar trade function.
- Take the confusion out of sharing expenses with the other parent through the OurFamilyWizard® expense log.
- Easily stay up-to-date with your child’s health records, immunisation histories, academic arrangements and school reports using the OurFamilyWizard® information bank.
- Take the hassle out of communicating with the other parent using the safe and secure OurFamilyWizard® message board.

Keep your children out of the middle of your co-parenting disputes.
Reduce the potential for conflict by effectively managing your co-parenting stresses.
- Prepare yourself for any unexpected disputes or accusations by having clear and accurate documentation at your disposal. Every function that the OurFamilyWizard® website provides acts as a source of truthful documentation that cannot be tampered with.
- Avoid confusion and unnecessary disputes with your co-parent by creating a clear picture of parenting time schedules and visitation arrangements.
- Decrease your chance of going back to court by settling your disputes elsewhere. There is no more “he said/she said” between you and your co-parent because every action is stamped with who made it and when it was made.
- Get the help of your neutral family professional to keep conflict and dispute to a minimum. You can easily add a professional account - for example, for a Family Dispute Resolution practitioner or family therapist - with the OurFamilyWizard website®, allowing that person to oversee every action taking place between you and the other parent and make recommendations.
NOTE: Many state and federal laws use terms like ‘custody’ when referring to arrangements regarding parenting time and decision-making for a child. While this has been the case for many years, these are not the only terms currently used to refer to these topics.
Today, many family law practitioners and even laws within certain states use terms such as ‘parenting arrangements’ or ‘parenting responsibility,’ among others, when referring to matters surrounding legal and physical child custody. You will find these terms as well as custody used on the OurFamilyWizard website.