Practitioners | Website
Once you have professional access to a client, you are able to send messages to them from your Practitioner Account. Use the following tutorials to learn how to use Messages on OurFamilyWizard.
In this tutorial:
Messaging FAQs
Why don't I see the option to message with my client?
If you do not see a client within the list of possible recipients when creating a message, you do not have professional access to their account. To send them a new request or to check the status of a request you sent previously, go to My Cases.
Can I message my client's co-parent?
Only if you have professional access to their account directly. Being granted access to a client's account does not grant you the ability to message their co-parent. To request access to the other parent in a family to whom you're already connected, visit My Cases.
Messaging basics
Inbox: Messages you have received from clients.
Action Items: Messages from OurFamilyWizard that alert you to new access requests or responses to requests you have sent to clients.
Notifications: Messages from OurFamilyWizard that alert you to new entries within a client's account that were shared directly with you, such as journal entries.
Drafts: All saved drafts of previously composed messages.
Sent: Messages you have sent to your clients.
Archive: Messages you have removed from your Inbox, Action Items, Notifications, or Sent folders.
All Messages: A concrete record of all messages from your Inbox and Sent folders.
Sending a message to a client
- Navigate to the Messages section of your Practitioner Account.
- To create a new message, click the + sign in the action bar.
To reply to a message you received, find the message in either your Inbox or All Messages folder and click on its subject. Then, click Reply or Reply All in the top left corner. - Select the recipients for your message in the lefthand menu. Tap the triangle icon next a family's name to see the possible recipients for that family.
- Enter a subject and your message.
- Click Send in the top left corner. Or, if you'd like to save your message as a draft to send later, click Save.
Creating an auto-reply
Just like auto-replies for your email, creating an auto-reply for your OurFamilyWizard Messages informs clients when you are unable to immediately respond to their inquiries. To create your customized auto-reply,
- Navigate to the Messages section of your Practitioner Account.
- Click the auto-responder button in the action bar.
- Toggle the status to Enabled.
- Enter a subject and message for your auto-reply.
- Click Save.
You can disable your auto-reply at any time by simply toggling the status back to Disabled.
Custom folders
If you'd like additional control over your messaging history, you can create custom folders.
- Navigate to the Messages section of your Practitioner Account.
- Click the Add Folder button at the top of the list of folders on the lefthand side of the screen.
- A new window will appear titled New Folder. Type the desired name of the new folder in the text box.
- Click Save in the upper left corner to create your new folder.
Moving messages between folders
- Navigate to Messages and select the folder that contains the message you'd like to move. Note: You cannot move messages in or out of All Messages.
- Click the checkbox to the left of the message.
- Click the Move button in the action bar at the top of the screen and select the desired folder.